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How Participation Works 03
How Consultation Works 03
Pacific Citizens Lifting our game 03
Print copy orders at $NZ39.90.
Pacific Press, Wellington, 021424530,

Being Palangi will also be available from September 2015 as an e-book via Amazon. Audio, author and other enquiries from DecisionMaker Publications Ltd, , 027 2422301.
Looking ahead
Find out more about case studies, briefings and profiles to foster the economic development of the Wairarapa. Contact Anthony Haas, , 0272422301 or other members of the project team.

Participation is invited
in DecisionMaker with its focus on "How central government works locally".

The out-of-print DecisionMaker Guide to Parliament and Government 2006 edition for New Zealand, was released on CD with new features in the second quarter 2006. It and the 2003 book edition are out of print, and pledges are now coming in, supporting further web and print editions.

Briefings to Key ministers at
We view the consolidation of publicly available briefings, first by the government, to be a valuable contribution for those who wish to take a whole of government perspective from their silo standpoint. The will, and the information technology, makes this possible. Find out more in DecisionMaker Links.

Government announced and New Zealand electors participated in a binding referendum ahead, and DecisionMaker reviews the first decade of MMP.

NZ's National Government
, led by John Key, was formed in November 2008, and set off in search of an economic growth route. But the sword of Damocles hangs over it - and other New Zealanders.

The report by Anthony Haas on the National Government's formation was the first in the series of citizenship education reports introducing the 49th NZ Parliament.

DecisionMaker experience has been applied outside as well as inside New Zealand by the Centre for Citizenship Education charitable trust (CCE).

Kansai through Kiwi eyes develops understanding about societies. It is a multimedia educational resource with its own website, DVD and booklet. It is now in New Zealand schools - supporting social science teaching. Click on

CCE, supported by the Commonwealth Foundation in 2010, began a Pacific citizens capacity building programme in citizenship education in Tonga as the Kingdom moved from Constitutional monarchy to Parliamentary democracy. Find out more at

CCE in 2012 supported Media, MPs and Constituents, a virtual seminar in the Pacific Islands Public Policy Programme of the School of Government of VUW.

An early Pacific citizens publication, the 1970s school text, Sione comes to New Zealand - a Samoan migrants' story, is being updated. First, look at research material here,
Samoa's Malietoa
Tonga 1950
Tonga 2005
Tokelau 2005
Sione's literacy needs 2008

Anticipate accounts of consulting migrants in Being Palangi, My Pacific Journey, the forthcoming memoir of Anthony Haas, written in 2011-2012.

Updated 17 July 2012

Being Palangi: My Pacific Journey
A memoir, by Anthony Haas

Being Palangi: My Pacific Journey tells of the ongoing development of New Zealand as a Pacific nation - through the personal and professional experience of New Zealand born Anthony Haas. In this book Haas builds on the work of Dr Michael King about who New Zealanders are, where they have come from and what might affect their future.

Anthony Haas has spent much of his professional life writing as a journalist about, and publishing on New Zealand's relations with Asia and the Pacific. He champions development journalism, encouraged to practice it initially by his New Zealand friend in the UNDP Ross Mountain. Some people opposed development journalism - particularly in the US and other parts of the West - but development journalism from Anthony Haas was syndicated by the Press Foundation of Asia to 50 Asian newspapers from the 1970s, and encouraged into the Pacific Islands. Development journalism refers to the role of the press in socio-economic development - Haas wrote on issues ranging from coconut use to horticultural trade. Development journalism case studies include the patchy record of the outside world in reporting on and responding to the tsunami victims on Niuatoputapu and other failures in providing more effective aid; "more topics to illustrate to the next generation of development journalists what they could cover". Haas aligns himself with those who say "Development journalism is similar to investigative reporting, but it focuses on conditions in developing nations and ways to improve them".

In the memoir he reflects on the influence of his German Jewish heritage and the extent to which his focus on Asia and the Pacific was, in part, a rejection of Europe: Germany in particular. His father, Karl Haas, left his studies at Heidelberg law school to become a farmer in Pahiatua, having been told by his father, Ludwig Haas, to go as far away from Germany as he could. Ludwig Haas, who died in 1930, was the Democratic Party leader in the German Parliament during the Weimar Republic. He foresaw the evils that were coming with the rise of Hitler and the Nazi Party.

Being Palangi: My Pacific Journey celebrates the cultural diversity of New Zealand. It recognizes New Zealand is shaped by a rich variety of influences including those from Polynesia, Europe, Asia and elsewhere. The Haas personal story reflects that diversity. His wife, Tricia Donnelly, is of Irish Catholic descent. They have an adopted Tongan daughter, Fisi'iahi Setefano, three mokopuna and an extended Tongan family network.

This book is particularly useful for teachers, students and researchers of citizenship education, economic and political development, agri-business, tourism, social sciences, journalism, advocacy and the causes of World War 11.

Historian Dr Michael King and former New Zealand Governor-General Rt Hon Sir Anand Satyanand contribute forewords.

 edCentre link

Asia Pacific Economic News reports by Anthony Haas from New Zealand's Parliamentary Press Gallery, and from Tonga since 2009 have been concentrated at The focus is citizenship education and talking business for Tongans in the diaspora, and for friends of Tonga.

His 2009 and 2008 columns were released on this site. Click on the relevant date to view the index and chose a column about Prime Minister John Key's National minority government, tourism, aquaculture amd wine, seasonal work and other topics.

CCE Networking Seminar 2006

The Video Conference with the Center for Civic Education USA and the discussion in Parliament's Beehive betwen 100 New Zealanders and Americans was summarised by New Zealand's Centre for Citizenship Education in the fourth quarter 2006. Click here for audio, photos and more about the disscussion










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