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Introduction to social science
How to use the worksheets
NZ curriculum framework
How tutors participate
Centre for Citizenship Education
Year 9 & 10
Year 11 - 12

Worksheet 1:
Voting for your Member of Parliament
Worksheet 2: Choosing your preferred political party
Worksheet 3: Do you want New Zealand to be a Republic?
Worksheet 4:
How Government makes decisions
Worksheet 5:
Government expenditure
Worksheet 6:
Building a multicultural society
Worksheet 7:
Suggesting a law change to a Select Committee of Parliament
Worksheet 8:
Plan a visit to Parliament
Worksheet 9:
Choosing a class representative
Worksheet 10:
School Council nominations procedure
Worksheet 11:
Voting procedure
Worksheet 12:
National election
Worksheet 13:
The voting process

Worksheet 24: in development
Tonga-New Zealand 1950. Historical milestones , pictures, oral archive sound and transcipt
- resources for social science schools use

Worksheet 14:
Schools' guide to decisionmaking with its community
Worksheet 15:
Schools' guide to decisionmaking between Parliament & the community
Worksheet 16:
Schools' guide to voting, elections, parties and forming government
Worksheet 17:
Schools' guide to lawmaking
Worksheet 18:
Schools' guide to getting help from Parliament as a group or individual
Worksheet 19:
Schools' guide to information about Parliament & the community
Worksheet 20:
The Rule of Law
Worksheet 21:
Schools' guide to human rights
Worksheet 22:
Schools' guide to interaction between Parliament, Government, the Judiciary and the media
Worksheet 23: Join the Underage Voter's Campaign



Worksheet 9: Choosing a class representative

Applying the democratic process in the classroom

  1. How you can influence policy on issues that affect you – by voting:
    • For your representative on the School Council;
    • By becoming informed about the electoral process and the need to be 'informed and responsible participants'.
  2. Prepare yourselves to vote for your student representative on the Board of Trustees.

Group activity

Divide the class into four groups. What issues do you think the Board should consider?

Make a list:

  • What sort of person would best represent you and the class?
  • List the attributes necessary.

For further reference
See also:

How your voice can be heard
Electing Parliament
Our house

ClClass Activity

Hold a 'plenary' session (ie. a session involving the entire class).

  • Each group reports on their discussion.
  • Appoint someone to make a summary of the 'findings' and present them to the class for acceptance.
  • Take your recommendations to the School Council.





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