Advertising Standards Complaints Board
Investigates complaints over advertisements being dishonest or
Tel: 04 472 7852
Age Concern
Promotes the quality of life and well-being of older people, and
advocates positive healthy ageing for people of all ages.
Tel: +64-04-471 2709
Banking Ombudsman
Helps resolve disputes between banks and customers. If conciliation
proves unsuccessful, can make binding awards of compensation.
Tel: 04 471 0006
Freephone: 0800 805 950
Email: [email protected]
Works within the community to provide a range of care, education
and support services for children and their families.
National Office
Tel: 04 385 7560
Broadcasting Standards Authority (BSA)
Sets standards for radio and television broadcasting in areas such
as levels of violence, good taste and decency, sexism and racism,
privacy and maintaining fairness, balance and accuracy.
Tel: 04 382 9508
Infoline: 0800 366 996
Email: [email protected]
Budget Advice Services
Advice on how to budget and manage your money better. Your local
Budget Advice Service is in the white pages of your phone book.
Citizens Advice Bureau
See advertisement below.
Combined Beneficiaries Union
Supports beneficiaries and keeps them informed of rights and entitlements
to benefits.
Tel: 09 376 4760
Commerce Commission
Protects consumers' rights. May take action against misleading
offers, false labelling, unsafe products, and fraudulent marketing
Tel: 04 924 3600 0800 943 600
Commissioner for Children
Speaks up for the rights and interests of children when they
are forgotten by others.
Tel: 04 471 1410
Email: [email protected]
Community Law Centres
Can help you get legal advice and information.
Mangere Community Law Centre
Box 43-201, Mangere, Auckland
Tel: 09 275 4310
Grey Lynn Neighbourhood Law Office
Box 78-045, Grey Lynn
Tel: 09 378 6085
Youth Law Project
Box 7657, Wellesley St, Auckland
Tel: 09 309 6967
Maungarongo Ki Otara
Box 61-112, Otara
Tel: 09 477 0855
Rotorua District CLC
Box 879, Rotorua
Tel: 07 348 8060
Wairarapa Law Centre
Box 271, Masterton
Tel: 06 377 4134 Hamilton District CLC
Box 1319, Hamilton
Tel: 07 839 0770
Wanganui Iwi CLC
Box 611, Wanganui
Tel: 06 349 0007
Te Amo Kura O Heretaunga
Box 5081, Flaxmere
Tel: 06 879 7625
Huakina Development Trust
Box 319, Pukekohe
Tel: 09 238 0250
Whitireia Law Centre
Level 3, Pember House, Hagley St, Porirua
Tel: 04 237 6811
Wellington South CLC
Box 24-005, Wellington
Tel: 04 499 2928
Nga Ture Kaitiaki Ki Waikato
Community Law Centre
P O Box 22728, Otahuhu, Auckland
Tel: 09 276 2934
Marlborough CLC
Box 584, Blenheim
Tel: 03 577 9919
Christchurch CLC
Box 2912, Christchurch
Tel: 03 366 6870
Dunedin Community Law Centre
52 Filleul St, Dunedin
Tel: 03 474 1922 Fax: 03 474 9521
Email: [email protected]
Ngai Tahu Māori Law Centre
Box 633, Dunedin
Tel: 03 477 0855
Southland CLC
Box 552, Invercargill
Tel: 03 214 3180
Consumer Affairs
Advises on breaches of rights relating to warranties, hire purchase
agreements, etc. See phone book for offices in Wellington,
Auckland and Christchurch.
Head office: Tel: 04 474 2750
Email: [email protected]
Duty Solicitor
Can advise on whether you need a lawyer, if you are charged
with a criminal offence, and help you to apply for legal
aid if you
cannot afford a lawyer. Ask to see the Duty Solicitor when
you arrive at
Family Court
To dissolve your marriage, go to your local Family Court
office. They will give you the papers. It is very simple
and you do
not need a lawyer. The Family Court can also help you
if you are
served with
Family Court papers and do not have a lawyer.
Health and Disability Commissioner
Takes enquiries and complaints about health and disability
services. Provides a national free advocacy service.
Tel: 0800 112 233
Email: [email protected]
Human Rights Commission
Protects individuals and groups from abuses of human rights.
Also educates on human rights issues and promotes peoples' respect
for those rights.
Tel: 0800 4 YOUR RIGHTS
0800 496 877
Email: [email protected]
Immigration Appeals Authorities
One authority deals with refusals to allow residency and another
with orders to leave the country.
Check your phone book for local numbers, under the Department of Labour.
Head Office:
Tel: 04 914 4299
Insurance & Savings Ombudsman
An independent service for resolving insurance and savings disputes,
which is free to consumers. Tel: 0800 888 202. Website:
Email:[email protected]
New Zealand Law Society
The professional association for lawyers. Contact your local
Law Society: they can tell you the names of lawyers in your
area, or
can help if you are dissatisfied with your lawyer and want
to complain, and they will help you.
Tel: 04 472 7837
The Ombudsmen
Can investigate when central or local government agencies choose
not to release information.
Tel: 0800 802 602 or:
Tel: 09 379 6102
Tel: 04 473 9533
Tel: 03 366 8556
Police Complaints Authority
Investigates complaints that police officers have acted improperly
in some incident. If officers have abused their powers, they can
face disciplinary action.
Tel: 04 499 2050 or 0800 503 728
Privacy Commissioner
Issues codes of practice on privacy issues, educates regarding
privacy law and investigates alleged breaches of privacy.
Tel: 0800 803 090
Email: [email protected]
Securities Commission
Promotes private capital investment in New Zealand by improving
the efficiency and fairness of securities markets.
Tel: 04 472 9830
Email: [email protected]
Tenancy Services
Advises on problems with renting a dwelling. Can advise you of
your rights and responsibilities, and help solve disputes.
Tel: 0800 TENANCY 0800 83 62 62
+64 4 237 1050 from overseas
Email: [email protected]
Tenancy Tribunal
Part of the Courts system; deal with disputes less than $3,000.
Disputants represent themselves, no lawyers are involved, and rulings
are binding.
Look in the phone book under Courts
Waitangi Tribunal
Examines claims of breaches of the Treaty of Waitangi. When appropriate,
recommends to the government what action should be taken to provide
Tel: 04 913 3000
Women’s Refuges
Provide shelter, advice and assistance to women and children affected
by domestic violence; run a 24-hour crisis phone service.
Look in your local Telecom phone book under “W”
National Office: Tel: 04 802 5078