Our House: A house of representatives should, ideally, be ... International perspectives on democracy: Commonwealth heads of government leaders said in their ... Electing Parliament: The MPs and the political parties in New Zealand's Parliament are elected ... Members of Parliament: In the 27 July 2002 general election, Labour gained 52, National 27, New Zealand ... Forming the government: The Labour and Progressive Coalition Parties in Parliament have agreeed ... Composition of Parliament: New Zealand's Parliament is a place where more and more sections ... The New Zealand Business and Parliament Trust: The New Zealand Business and Parliament Trust was formed in 1991 to bridge ... The role of the speaker: The Speaker of the New Zealand House of Representatives is the highest officer ... Who drafts the laws? To make sure laws ar written correctly, Parliament has ... The Office of the Clerk: The position of Clerk of the House of Representatives is one of the oldest ... Parliamentary Service: The Parliamentary Service is one of two parliamentary agencies providing ... What MPs do: Conventions, not job descriptions, guide what .. MP's pay: Members of Parliament currently receive a .... Living two lives: John Key, aged 41, National MP for Helensville, was an investment ... From Youth MP to youngest MP: Darren Hughes, at 24 New Zealand's youngest ... Government and Opposition: There is a tradition of thinking that asserts that ideas change with ... How laws are made: Parliament is New Zealand's supreme law-making body. It's members study ... Select committees: After a bill is introduced to Parliament and has been given its ... Petitioning Parliament: Every New Zealand citizen or resident has the right to petition Parliament ... Visiting Parliament: People come for many reasons to tour New Zealand's Parliament ... 150 years: The New Zealand Parliament celebrates its 150th ...
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Select committee membersBusiness BusinessPeter Brown, Gerry Brownlee, Gordon Copeland, Michael Cullen, Rod Donald, Jonathan Hunt (Chairperson), Muriel Newman, Matt Robson. CommerceGerry Brownlee (Deputy Chairperson), Brent Catchpole, Rodney Hide, Darren Hughes, David Parker, Mark Peck (Chairperson), H V Ross Robertson, and Hon Maurice Williamson. Education and ScienceDonna Awatere Huata, Dr Ashraf Choudhary, Hon Brian Donnelly (Chairperson), Helen Duncan, Dr Paul Hutchison, Bernie Ogilvy, Mark Peck, Jill Pettis (Deputy Chairperson), Simon Power and Metiria Turei (non-voting member). Finance and ExpenditureDr Don Brash, Gordon Copeland (Deputy Chairperson), Clayton Cosgrove (Chairperson), David Cunliffe, Rod Donald, Rodney Hide, Luamanuvao Winnie Laban, Janet Mackey, Craig McNair, David Parker, Rt Hon Winston Peters, and Dr the Hon Lockwood Smith. Foreign Affairs, Defence and TradeTim Barnett, Hon Peter Dunne (Chairperson), Martin Gallagher, Graham Kelly (Deputy Chairperson), Keith Locke, Dr Wayne Mapp, Ron Mark, Hon Matt Robson, and Dr the Hon Lockwood Smith. Government AdministrationSteve Chadwick, Russell Fairbrother, Sandra Goudie, Pansy Wong (Deputy Chairperson), and Dianne Yates (Chairperson). HealthSteve Chadwick (Chairperson), Judith Collins, Ann Hartley, Dave Hereora, Sue Kedgley (Deputy Chairperson), Nanaia Mahuta, Pita Paraone, Heather Roy, Dr Lynda Scott, Judy Turner, and Dianne Yates. Justice and ElectoralTim Barnett (Chairperson), Russell Fairbrother, Stephen Franks (Deputy Chairperson), Darren Hughes, Dail Jones, Lynne Pillay, Mita Ririnui, Murray Smith, Nandor Tanczos, Lindsay Tisch and Richard Worth. Law and OrderMarc Alexander (Deputy Chairperson), Georgina Beyer, Brian Connell, Taito Phillip Field, Martin Gallagher (Chairperson), Mahara Okeroa, Edwin Perry, and Hon Tony Ryall. Local Government and EnvironmentShane Ardern, Larry Baldock, Hon Rick Barker, John Carter, David Cunliffe (Deputy Chairperson), Jeanette Fitzsimons (Chairperson), Ann Hartley, Nanaia Mahuta, Jim Peters, Hon Dover Samuels, Hon Ken Shirley, and Hon Dr Nick Smith. Māori AffairsBill Gudgeon, Hon Murray McCully, Mahara Okeroa (Chairperson), Mita Ririnui, Hon Georgina te Heuheu (Deputy Chairperson), Metiria Turei, and Hon Tariana Turia. Officers of ParliamentDavid Benson-Pope, Peter Brown, Hon Mark Burton, Rt Hon Jonathan Hunt (Chairperson), Graham Kelly, Keith Locke, Hon Richard Prebble, Hon Clem Simich (Deputy Chairperson), Murray Smith, and Lindsay Tisch. Primary ProductionHon David Carter (Chairperson), Dr Ashraf Choudhary, Clayton Cosgrove, Gerrard Eckhoff, Ian Ewen-Street, Phil Heatley, Janet Mackey (Deputy Chairperson), Hon Damien O’Connor, and R Doug Woolerton. PrivilegesJohn Carter (Deputy Chairperson), Hon Dr Michael Cullen, Hon Lianne Dalziel, Hon Peter Dunne, Dr Wayne Mapp, Rt Hon Winston Peters, Hon Richard Prebble, Hon Matt Robson (Chairperson), Metiria Turei, and Hon Margaret Wilson. Regulations ReviewRussell Fairbrother, Stephen Franks, Dail Jones, David Parker, H V Ross Robertson, Hon Tony Ryall, Richard Worth (Chairperson), and Dianne Yates (Deputy Chairperson). Social ServicesPaul Adams, Georgina Beyer (Chairperson), Sue Bradford, Judith Collins, Taito Phillip Field, Dave Hereora, Luamanuvao Winnie Laban, Dr Muriel Newman (Deputy Chairperson), Katherine Rich, and Barbara Stewart. Standing OrdersHon Jim Anderton, David Benson-Pope, Peter Brown, Gerry Brownlee, John Carter, Hon Dr Michael Cullen, Rod Donald, Hon Peter Dunne, Rt Hon Jonathan Hunt (Chairperson), and Hon Richard Prebble (Deputy Chairperson). Transport and Industrial RelationsPeter Brown, Deborah Coddington, Helen Duncan (Chairperson), Hon Harry Duynhoven, John Key, Lynne Pillay, Hon Roger Sowry (Deputy Chairperson), Hon Judith Tizard, and Mike Ward.
The Maori select committee room. © Paul McCredie |