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also, visit DecisionMaker NZ Government Department section to view EdCentre member summarySocial Sciences An essence statement encapsulates the fundamental ideas of each
learning area. These will be one-page documents that clearly articulate
important learning outcomes for students. The Social Sciences have significance for people in
their every-day participation as citizens and members of communities.
Through the Social Sciences students engage critically with societal
issues. They gain knowledge, skills and experience to understand,
contribute to and participate in the communities in which they live
and work. Through a focus on Aotearoa New Zealand contexts, the
people, cultures, places, the economic world and histories students
are able to identify their own place and that of others in relation
to Maori and Pakeha heritages, and in relation to Aotearoa New Zealand’s
multicultural society. Four conceptual strands provide the framework of social studies levels 1-5 and contribute to a range of social science disciplines in the senior secondary school. Identity, Culture and Organisation: Students develop knowledge about society and communities, how they function and the diverse cultures and identities of people within those communities and the impact of these on the participation of groups and individuals. Place and Environment: Students develop knowledge about how people perceive, represent, interpret and interact with places and environments to understand the relationships between people and environment. Continuity and Change: Students develop knowledge about past events, experiences and actions, and their changing interpretation over time to understand about the past, present and possible futures. Economic World: Students develop knowledge about people’s participation in economic activities and about production, distribution and consumption to understand their place in the economic world. At levels 6-8 schools provide opportunities for students to specialise in a range of social science disciplines, in particular senior social studies, economics, geography and history. Achievement objectives for learning programmes in these four disciplines are included on the frame. *** Updated 4 March 2006