Our House: A house of representatives should, ideally, be ... International perspectives on democracy: Commonwealth heads of government leaders said in their ... Electing Parliament: The MPs and the political parties in New Zealand's Parliament are elected ... Members of Parliament: In the 27 July 2002 general election, Labour gained 52, National 27, New Zealand ... Forming the government: The Labour and Progressive Coalition Parties in Parliament have agreeed ... Composition of Parliament: New Zealand's Parliament is a place where more and more sections ... The New Zealand Business and Parliament Trust: The New Zealand Business and Parliament Trust was formed in 1991 to bridge ... The role of the speaker: The Speaker of the New Zealand House of Representatives is the highest officer ... Who drafts the laws? To make sure laws ar written correctly, Parliament has ... The Office of the Clerk: The position of Clerk of the House of Representatives is one of the oldest ... Parliamentary Service: The Parliamentary Service is one of two parliamentary agencies providing ... What MPs do: Conventions, not job descriptions, guide what .. MP's pay: Members of Parliament currently receive a .... Living two lives: John Key, aged 41, National MP for Helensville, was an investment ... From Youth MP to youngest MP: Darren Hughes, at 24 New Zealand's youngest ... Government and Opposition: There is a tradition of thinking that asserts that ideas change with ... How laws are made: Parliament is New Zealand's supreme law-making body. It's members study ... Select committees: After a bill is introduced to Parliament and has been given its ... Petitioning Parliament: Every New Zealand citizen or resident has the right to petition Parliament ... Visiting Parliament: People come for many reasons to tour New Zealand's Parliament ... 150 years: The New Zealand Parliament celebrates its 150th ...
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Government and OppositionMPs who understand diversity Professor Gary Hawke, Head of the School of Government, Victoria University of Wellington, examines changes in our political system. There is a tradition of thinking that asserts that ideas change with the passing of generations rather than with changes of mind. Public opinion changes as generations die off and are replaced by younger people with equally fixed but different ideas. It is an exaggeration, but it has some basis. Our political system has been one of mixed member-proportional representation for more than half a decade, but many people still think in terms of the first-past-the-post electoral system. It existed for most of the lifetimes of most of the current electorate, and contrary to what political junkies think, most people are concerned with politics only when their interests are directly affected – occasionally and usually ephemerally. So traditional thinking persists. Cabinet was supremeThe former system could reasonably be described as dictatorship with occasional assassination by elections. We elected Parliaments and once the result was known and the winning party elected a Cabinet, Parliament was only occasionally significant. Cabinet was supreme, until it lost an election. That is an exaggeration – future Ministers could make their reputations in Parliament and the public regard for the Cabinet was affected by proceedings in Parliament – but it is not a caricature. MMP made a difference. Elections now determine the composition of Parliament but no longer have as direct an effect on the nature of the Executive. Those who felt betrayed by the negotiations which followed the 1996 election and gave them a government different from what they thought they voted for had not understood the logic of MMP. Parliament is now more genuinely representative, and citizens' monitoring of the executive is indirect rather than direct. If we really wanted direct control, we would have frequent referenda – and modern information and communications technology make that possible. But most of us do not want to spend our time and effort getting on top of the kind of issues that need determination in Parliament. We want agents to do that for us. Deliberative government is likely to be more informed than direct democracy – whatever public opinion polls say about the public regard for Members of Parliament. MPs who understand diversityThis is not to say that the kind of person we elect to be an MP is likely to have the skills to analyse proposals and make wise choices on behalf of the wider public. The demands by lobby groups and the media for specific policy positions from political parties are an anachronistic echo from the former electoral system. Even then MPs were likely to be required to adjudicate on issues not foreseen at the time of an election. Now nobody can foresee the policy agenda because it depends on what Executive emerges from intra-parliamentary negotiations after an election – and the earlier limitations on the ability to forecast events is compounded. MMP therefore calls for MPs who understand the enormous diversity of values, interests and aspirations in our society and who can engage in debate and discussion and assess proposed collective decisions for the extent to which they attract support from within that society. The formulation of options rests much more with professional policy analysts than with MPs or political parties. Implementation of Executive decisions which attract parliamentary endorsement are also matters for professionals rather than politicians. Both our political and our policy processes are directed towards collective decision-making. They are not a giant lolly-scramble in which groups contest for 'resources' which somehow come at the expense of nobody. Government is shifting control over resources from some people to others, and that requires both good understanding of social values and professional processes of policy design and implementation. We are now more ambitious for our collective decision-making than previously. Modern technology makes it possible to deal with individuals rather than only with very crudely defined groups. We want to deal with the much greater diversity that is now characteristic of society. Rather than any deterioration of capability, there is now dissatisfaction with the performance of the public sector. There is no answer to that position other than increased capability – and that is a fundamental purpose of the School of Government along with its ability to discern changes in our political and policy processes and to disseminate understanding of them more quickly than is achieved by the passing of generations. Find out more!G.R. Hawke (ed) Changing Politics? The Electoral Referendum, 1993 (Wellington: IPS, 1993) is relevant to understanding how our government system has changed.
The Debating Chamber of New Zealand Parliament. © Paul McCredie
Parliament is always careful to follow precise and proper procedures for making and changing laws. © Photography by Woolf |