Citizens and the law:
All societies are based ...
Universal rights and New Zealanders:The international law of human rights ... Department of Corrections: The Department of Corrections manages ... Holding the balance: New Zealand's laws are ... Delivering justice: The law is a set of rules to enable our society to ... Reforming the law: In 1985, the Law Commission Act established ... Checks and balances: Officers of Parliament help ensure accountability ... Investment watchdog: Investment is very important for New ... Fair dealing: Banks and insurance companies look after a lot of money that ... Healing the past, building a future: The Office of Treaty Settlements (OTS) provides the Minister ... Who looks after your rights? Civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights are important in ... Rights of the child: The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, to which ... The laws we live by: Past DecisionMaker Guides focused on the law and justice - helping ... Advocates for health and disability service users: Advocacy service posters and brochures are ...
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Advocates for health and disability services usersSolutions focus Advocacy service posters and brochures are a familiar sight in most health professional and disability service provider offices around the country. Each year, thousands of complaints are resolved quickly and fairly by consumer advocates without the need for an investigation by the Health and Disability Commissioner (HDC). Thirty-six advocates (mostly part-time) are contracted to work for HDC through three regional organisations: Health Advocacy Trust (HAT, Auckland/Northland), Advocacy Services Network Trust (ADNET, Central/Lower North Island), and Advocacy Services South Island Trust (ASSIT, South Island). Their results are impressive. Last year advocacy services closed over 3,500 complaint files and 76% of these complaints were resolved with advocacy assistance or by the consumer after advocacy involvement. Solutions focusThe success of advocacy as a method of complaint resolution is tied in part to advocates’ philosophy of searching for solutions, not problems. An advocate can often equip a consumer to resolve a concern directly with the provider. In other cases, the advocate may provide ongoing representational advocacy for the consumer. Advocates are particularly good at identifying the strengths of the current provider–consumer relationship and supporting consumers to explain how they would like things to work. Advocates are highly aware that their role requires them to take
the consumer’s side in resolving complaints with service providers.
Despite this bias, advocates view the provider as an organisation/person
whose core purpose is to make people well and who has a deep interest
in the welfare of the patient or client, but who from time to time makes
a mistake. A climate of openness and interest in achieving a resolution
is more likely if the provider is not viewed as the ‘enemy’ to
be brought down a notch or two.
Emotional for both partiesA key role of the advocate, from both the provider and the consumer perspective, is managing the emotional content of the complaint. This includes:
Acknowledging and managing the emotional content increases the participants’ ability to focus on the facts during a meeting with the provider and thus significantly con-tributes to achieving the desired outcome. Many providers find it helpful to pre-empt problems by referring an unhappy patient to advocacy services. Brochures in a range of languages are available from HDC, and information in a wider range is on the website. Find out more!For more information, visit the Health
and Disability Commissioner website or contact your
local advocacy service on the following numbers: