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Exercises and worksheets for highschool students.

New Zealand curriculum framework

How to use the worksheets

Worksheet contents

How to participate

Worksheet 2: Choosing your preferred political party

Party politics, policies and philosophies

Find a photo of candidates campaigning for election to Parliament

Divide into groups of 3 - 4 people, under the heading of a political party of your choice. Choose a name for your party that reflects its emphasis. For instance: "Clean Green", "Extreme Fun", or "World Domination".

For further reference
See also:

Electing Parliament
Who's who in Parliament


  1. (30 min) In your smaller group, design the front page of a brochure for your political party. Include at least one policy you advocate.
  2. Prepare a 2 - 3 minute campaign speech that could be used to present the pamphlet to a political meeting.
  3. (25 min) Present the campaign speech and leaflet to your class.
  4. (5 min) Now using the procedure suggested in Worksheet 1, cast your vote in a secret ballot for the political party you want to be your 'government'.


