10: School Council nominations procedure
process and procedures
Ask the School
Council to outline nomination procedures for school representative(s).
This can be either as a procedural paper which students discuss in
groups, or by a School Council member speaking to the class.
Divide the class
into four groups and appoint a facilitator.
Put forward nominations
from your class. See that each nominee has a nominator, a second,
and a brief synopsis of why they think they would be suitable.
Class exercise
Ask the people
who would like to have your vote to be on the Board (candidates) to
tell the class their views on your list of important issues (2 min
Are there any
student rights you want your representative to promote on the Board
of Trustees?
Find out who
is standing for election in your electorate. What party are they standing
for? How are they promoting themselves and their policies? Do they
use newspapers, pamphlets local radio stations etc?