A navigational
This DecisionMaker
Directory can be used to find advocates for citizen rights, and
to find the way around New Zealand’s parliamentary, government
and legal institutions.
It will be more useful
when backed by DecisionMaker Guide to Parliament and Government
2003 briefings, profiles and case studies, where information begins
to become knowledge. It will be most useful if followed up through
the organisations themselves.
DecisionMaker Publications
built this directory by:
- choosing from previous
DecisionMaker triennial and quarterly editions and other sources
those listings that would most support citizenship education
- updating organisation
names, descriptions, website and other addresses by contacting
them, or searching out their electronic or print published information
- updating from relevant
DecisionMaker triennial and quarterly editions and other sources
- selling space to
providers of core and supplementary content.
Participation is invited
in the next annual DecisionMaker Directory. Contact the publisher,
editor or account executive to make content or distribution arrangements.
Previous select DecisionMaker Directories include:
- glossaries of political
- health and disability
products and services
- financial dictionary
- trade and investment
in the South Pacific
DecisionMaker Directories
2005 will be published on www.decisionmaker.co.nz
and, as demand warrants, in print, cd-rom and other formats. |