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Citizenship education networking
The function was convened by the Centre for Citizenship Education in association with the Race Relations Commissioner, New Zealand Diversity Action Forum, Kiwi Ora and vicbooks at Victoria University of Wellington. Thes networking function was followed the next day by the NZ Diversity Action Forum at Te Papa. Other initiatives to provide citizenship education for all New Zealanders, and some targeted on particular groups, are underway by some of the interests represented at the networking event. The Centre for Citizenship Education (CCE) considers policy formation and professional development in citizenship education are still necessary for New Zealand. Some of that policy advocacy is reflected in the CCE submission presented to the inquiry into the 2004 Local Authority elections, chaired by Tim Barnett MP. It was reflected in the strong recommendations on citizenship education when the Barnett committee reported Parliament in early august 2005. "But we still have the challenge to build consensus shared objectives and a process to turn ideas into action" said CCE Director, Anthony Haas. Our contemporary soundings in Parliamentary, government and education circles suggest leadership is required to produce a collective approach to pushing the citizenship education cause ahead after the election. Emailed comment continues to be appreciated on the future agenda and processes for citizenship education networking to continue to assist us learn from each other he says. The networking began with attention to these questions: o define the need The Directory on Cultural Diversity, at http://decisionmaker.co.nz/directories/diversity/index.html, is a new example of citizenship education for migrants and hosts that the Centre for Citizenship Education has introduced in partnership with the Diversity Action Programme. Find out more about the CCE, at ..\indexcce.htm Another provider of citizenship education for migrants is Auckland based Kiwi Ora, whose management representative Rob Pickstock is interested in following up initial networking at the August Wellington event to identify common interests. Email: Rob.Pickstock The vicbooks Pipitea Campus
shop facilitated the display of citizenship education and other resources
from a range of publishers on 22 August - and is keen to assist future
clients. These functions, and your own initiatives, coulld assist responsible people recognize and advance their shared interest in helping all New Zealanders participate most effectively in our system of government says Anthony Haas. The 22 August networking function was designed to help bring together people in Parliament, central and local government and education who are interested in the development and distribution of citizenship education resources. Our hope is that the gathering will contribute to the work others are doing - and foster a whole of government approach to policy development, professional development and publishing in the field of citizenship education has been well advanced by the quality of initial acceptances.
The initial networking function included elected representatives and senior officials from central and local government, strategists, policy analysts, diplomats, teachers, researchers, students, journalists, authors, editors, publishers, librarians, booksellers and people with a range of religious and ethnic backgrounds. Initial participants included
those with a background in: Updated 24 August 2005